<![CDATA[Centro de Documentación CIDAP Search for 'an:3028 and au:D. Lechuga, Ruth and su-to:DAY OF THE DEAD and su-to:RITUALES FUNEBRES and su-to:DAY OF THE DEAD and au:D. Lechuga, Ruth and au:D. Lechuga, Ruth']]> http://documentacion.cidap.gob.ec/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=ccl=an%3A3028%20and%20au%3AD.%20Lechuga%2C%20Ruth%20and%20su-to%3ADAY%20OF%20THE%20DEAD%20and%20su-to%3ARITUALES%20FUNEBRES%20and%20su-to%3ADAY%20OF%20THE%20DEAD%20and%20au%3AD.%20Lechuga%2C%20Ruth%20and%20au%3AD.%20Lechuga%2C%20Ruth&format=rss2 Search results for 'an:3028 and au:D. Lechuga, Ruth and su-to:DAY OF THE DEAD and su-to:RITUALES FUNEBRES and su-to:DAY OF THE DEAD and au:D. Lechuga, Ruth and au:D. Lechuga, Ruth' at Centro de Documentación CIDAP 3 0 50