Centro de Documentacion CIDAP
ETHNOLOGY; AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CULTURAL AND SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY - Pensilvania, Departament of Anthropology, 1996 - 232 páginas

Mesoamerican Community Organization: Barrios and Other Customary Social Units.-- Center and Periphery in the social organization of Contemporany Nahuas of Mexico.-- The Mesoamerican Community as a Great House.-- Ritual Prestation, Intermediate-level social organization, and sierra otomí oratory groups.-- Barrio as a methafor for Zapotec Social Structure.-- Afterword.-- Problenatizing impairment: Cultural Competence in the Carolines.-- Islamic Revivalism and Political opposition among minoriry muslims in Mauritius.-- Sanctity and Sanction in Communal Ritual: A reconsideration of Shinto Festival Precessions.-- The Matrifocal Family in Iberia.-- Etnographicnotes on conceptions and Dynamics of Political.-- Skill, dependecy, and Differentiation: Artisans and Agents in the Luck now embroidery industry.-- Political, Ecology and Conflict in Ankarana, Madagastar.-- Street names and political regimes in a Andalusiam Town.-- Sickness: Healing, and religious vocation: alternative choices at a Thera Vada buddhist nunnery.-- Class and Ethnicity in México: Somatic and Racial Considerations.-- Women, Land, and labor: Negotiating clientage and kinship in a minangkabau peasant Community.-- Ethnic Tourism and the Renegotiation of tradition in tana toraja.-- Charisma's Realm: Fandom in Japan.-- The Ordination of a tree: THe Buddhist Ecology Movement in Thailand.-- Politizing tradition: The Identify of indigenous Inhabitants in Hong Kong.-- Performing National Culture in a Bolivian Migrant Community.-- History and Social structure: A study of the Sefwi Residential system.-- Shameless Creatures: An Ethnozoolody of the Amazon River Dolphin.-- Violence, Ritual.-- Carnival on the clipboard: An Ethnological study of new Orleands Mardi Gras.-- Ethnic Resistance Among Returns Migrants.-- Cultural revitalization and tourism at the morería nima'k'iche.-- THe use of human images in Yoruba Medicines.-- Poetics and POlitics of newly invented traditios in the gulf.-- Cultural Units in cross-cultural researh.-- Distributional Instability.--Romance, Parenthods, and genderin a modern african society.-- The culture of Marginality.-- Cultural Models of gender in SRI Lanka and the United States.-- Ambiguos Bleeding.-- Ritual, knweledge, and the politics of identity in andean festivities.-- Nationalism in Indonesia: Buiding imagined and intentional communities.-- Latino naming practices of samlls-twon businesses in rural southhern Florida.--Imaginig Modernity in Rural Fiji.-- Domesticating the immigrant other.-- Social and Emotional Contexts of weaning among.-- Money that burns like oil.-- Genesis in buli.

Ethnology is an articles by scientits of any country on any aspect of cultural anthropologycal, theoretical or methodological discussions, however, will be pulished only if they specially relate to some body of substintive.


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Con tecnología Koha